He Whose Name Should Not Be Mentioned

I couldn’t let my eyes off this…

En Route Life

January has a reputation. Think depleted accounts, a hundred and thirteen unread emails and sun rash from the country side visits. Unrivaled reputation. Well, almost unrivaled, because Kassim, a distant uncle is the king of reputation. Kassim has no academic qualification, none whatsoever. He does not own much. He sports dangerous streaks of thick dread-locked hair whisked painfully in a dirty head band.  Code: red-green-white. Haile Selassie, by our ancestors, you owe us! Now you wonder how a good for nothing man that I have just described would fancy your reading time.

Kassim had victims. So many in fact that you may want to go ahead and read in case I mention your own sister here. But Kassim is not his name. I do not in truth, know his name. He went by so many aliases, that he’s best, He Whose Name Should Not Be Mentioned. So tiring. He…

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